If you are a Teamster

  • As a Teamsters union member, it is possible to be a member of another pension plan (other than the TCPP). If you do not know which pension plan you are a member of, please contact your Local Union.
  • If you are a Teamsters Canadian Pension Plan (TCPP) member, please contact your divisional administrator (see list of all plan divisions below) for questions pertaining to plan provisions or other administrative questions.

If you are not a member of the Teamsters Union,
please contact the National Office:

Teamsters Canada National Office
1750 Maurice-Gauvin Street
Suite 400
Laval, Quebec H7S 1Z5
T. 450 682-5521
T. 1 866 888-6466
(toll free within Canada and United States)
F. 450 681-2244

Updating your contact information

You can use this form to update any information that has changed since you last provided your contact information to your Teamsters Canadian Pension Plan Division’s administrator. If you are unsure what pension plan you are a member of, please contact your Local Union.

Modify your contact information



Teamsters Local 464 Division

PBI Actuarial Consultants Ltd.
Suite 1070, One Bentall Centre
505 Burrard Street, Box 42
Vancouver, BC V7X 1M5

T. 604-687-8056
T. 1 877 687-8056 (toll free)

Non-Contributing Employer Division


Quebec Division
Soft Drink Industry and Miscellaneous Division

Overall Plan Administrator

PBI Actuarial Consultants Ltd.

Get information about the Teamsters Canadian Pension Plan and other retirement related information